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activation / fibre broadband

  • 24 May 2024
  • 6 reacties
  • 69 Bekeken

Hi all, 

I was wondering, what is your experience getting your fibre broadband / internet activated? The engineer came around 3 days ago, set up the router then told I cannot active it for you, just call Odido and it can be done in no time. Well, it turned out not to be the case. A ticket as opened, Odido's back office hasn't even picked it up. I was on the phone with the customer representative this morning who told me, it should be picked up today or tomorrow - then I mentioned that I was told when the ticket was opened that the back offices does not work during the weekend….  She then told me yes, but sometimes they do - interesting. There is still no reach out to KPN in regards to the activation request - that also could take another week.. This is just not acceptable and Odido should state the process clearly at the order stage and it is deeply misleading. When you order, they provide you an estimated go live date - clearly this whole bunch of difficulties are not mentioned at all. I work from home full time, giving me vouchers for the mobile data is helpful but not good enough when you have multiple devices and you are constantly connected to video calls - not to mention this drains my mobile phone battery significantly and potentially shortens its lifetime.

I was wondering, can I can cancel the order before it gets activated? Had I known the difficulties I am facing with, I would have gone to KPN directly…. it is a joke.. 


6 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +15

Hallo @zsokoszegi 

You have time till 14 days after you have working internet to cancel for free.

Is the connection/PON led blinking right now on the ONT?

Thanks for the clarification. All lights on the router (T-56) are green l, the internet one showing as red (constantly red, no blinking). The Huawei box they installed connected to the KPN fibre point shows blinking red light for LOS and PON is not on at all (no lights showing) - they mean nothing to me tbh but that's what I can see 

All, can somebody explain to me how this process works?

I do get conflicting information and clearly the way of setting up internet connection is very different to the UK (regardless of the similarities in terms of network owner/manager and companies utilising the infrastructure).

I was told by the installer that as he had no keys or it was not working, he could not active the fibre at the local exchange and indicated resolution within a couple of days.

1st call to Odido's customer service: I was told, a ticket needed to be raised with Odido's back office to the the same done above….. expected response time 3 working days - was told they don't work during the weekend.

2nd call to Odido: ticket still not picked up but I was told, it should be handled by Friday or the latest Saturday. I questioned the Saturday as other customer rep told me, they don't work - answer: sometimes they do… Also, it turned out the Odido's back office cannot just active the line, it is reliant on KPNs dedicated division who manages the network to do so. Ask for timelines, I was told it is quick… 

3rd call: I selected English in the IVR as my spoken Dutch is limited, the lady refused to talk to me in English, so after a Doei Doei I called them again….


4th call: Still no news on Odido's back office but the customer rep. explains this is just a normal process how things work- but I should be assured they will instruct KPN for the activation; Asked about timelines, service level agreements Odido has with KPN: I was told, there is no such a thing, it can take couple of days, to weeks even month!!!! I lost hope after that. I questioned who would that be if I went directly to KPN and he believes that it would have been the same as KPNs 2 divisions (sales and the network management) don't really talk (!) so I could be facing with delays there too…


To me this whole situation is a bit surreal…. the previous owner had KPN fibre broadband, this is a new development (built 2.5 years ago) so you'd expect there is no such an issue with network capacity and this is not a copper DLS where local exchange could be full with limited connection points could be available. I also don't believe in an open market, KPNs network division has no obligation to other companies providing internet / broadband services in terms of timelines they must connect a customer otherwise this seems rather anti-competitive (why would you buy internet services from Odido for example when KPN is not connecting you… 

I have not received any help from Odido's community advisors, even though I have directly reached out via the community platform too..  I am curiously considering cancelling this order and move everything to KPN *including my mobile* as this seems going nowhere.


Any help / advise could be offered would be much appreciated! 

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi @zsokoszegi, welcome to our Community!

I immediately went to check for you what exactly was going on. The Guidion technician did the installation, but there was no light. The district exchange was not accessible to the technician because he did not have the key to the KPN NetwerkNL cabinet. The technician passed the problem on to our technical department and they passed it on to KPN NetwerkNL. They have just accepted the ticket, ten minutes ago. I don't know if an appointment is needed or if they will go straight to the district exchange to fix it so you can get online immediately. If an appointment is needed, they will contact you. Hopefully it will be fixed by KPN NetwerkNL soon! 

Hi Tommie, thanks for coming back on this - it is much appreciated. Indeed KPN has reached out to me as they need to come around - and we booked an appointment for Friday - so let's hope it will get sorted (otherwise I'll stick with my new order from Ziggo) and cancel package from Odido. Ziggo can get things up and running in 2 days (I don't want to move to Ziggo as I have my Odido mobile contract) but the lack of clarity of the process made me ask them to step in as an alternative. I hope Odido gets me online on Friday and I'll remain a customer.





Reputatie 7
Badge +9

I hope so too @zsokoszegi! 🤞🏻 
