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6 months waiting on Fibre! Anyone else waited this long?

  • 30 March 2022
  • 3 reacties
  • 94 Bekeken

My partner and I moved in to our place in October, we saw through the t-mobile website that fibre was available in our area.

We waited a few weeks and didn’t hear anything about the installation, so we started to chase it up. Found out the long way it was through KPN, we spoke to them and they told us it will be installed early December and we will get a phone call to confirm.

December came and went with no internet and no phone call. Back speaking to KPN  it will be installed the last week of January at very latest the first week of February, again we will get a phone call.

March comes no phone call, no fibre optic and this is turning into a nightmare.

We don’t have internet at home, just our phones!

This morning I go to the t-mobile fibre optic checker and type in our postcode and it’s now saying Fibre Optic isn’t ready to be installed at our address.

I know KPN are the one’s installing fibre but surely t-mobile can do more to help their customers, letting us know something has gone wrong (clearly there has). 

We have been stung a few times by going over our hotspot data and it makes us more frustrated that we feel so lost between internet providers and are ignored by both of them!

Are there other customers like us who have been waiting half a year for fibre after agreeing it?

I am really disappointed with the lack of contact and support t-mobile has offered throughout this, we’re at the breaking point where this is beyond a joke.

Sort it out t-mobile!

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3 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +15

Hello @lvv-92 

Is there allready Fiber in your street and do you have a cable outside your house? Maybe you can contact the company which is responsible for the Fiber in your city?

There is fibre at every house on my street except ours and the neighbour’s. 
We have spoken to the company responsible for the Fiber and they always say they will get an engineer to give us a status update. But that never happens!

I don’t know what else we can do, it would be great if t-mobile would be able to help because this is so frustrating. We signed for Fiber from t-mobile over 6 months ago!

Reputatie 7

Hi @lvv-92 ,

Thanks for your message and my sincere apologies for the inconvenience you're currently experiencing with your order. I’m sorry to hear that a clear solution hasn’t presented itself just yet - I’ll try and give you the answer you’re looking for. In time of our first contact, it was possible to deliver you on the Fiber line operated by KPN. As it currently stands, we’re no longer able to do so even though KPN might have said it differently. This should have been communicated much sooner and this should be a signal for us to improve upon this. Apart from the fiber connection, there's no available connection on your address at our end. Therefor the only solution available is cancel the order. Please let us know if we can confirm this with you.