
6 months since order... still no internet?

  • 18 March 2024
  • 7 reacties
  • 90 Bekeken

Good afternoon, 

I am very disappointed with the service i have received at Odido. On Oct 4th 2023 I signed up to an internet and TV deal with Odido. Was told it would be installed at the end of the month due to fibre lines being installed. 

However at the end of every month I'm being told actually no it's next month or the next few weeks. 

I have called customer services multiple times to be told 2 weeks, or "yea this isn't right I'll get someone from back office to call" (of which they never do) 

The fibre has been installed on my street as I spoke to the guys installing it on the day. 

This isn't acceptable and 6m without internet to a "valued customer"?? 

No hint of an apology or offer to sort alternative forms of internet connection. 

Very tempted to cancel but that seems difficult to

Hope someone can help as I'm getting very frustrated. 



Beste antwoord door Nora van Odido 18 March 2024, 16:55

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7 reacties

Reputatie 5
Badge +5

Hi @NathanHarding, please know that we also want to connect you to the fiber network as soon as possible! It's not that we don't want you but at this moment we are simply not able to as the construction to the fiber network is not finished yet. For this we are depending on the network administrator. They have to make sure that a fiber acces point will be installed in your house and the fiber will be brought into the house. After that the patch needs to be installed in the district exchange. After all this is finished, we are able to send a Guidion technician for installation and after that your contract can be activated! The network administrator will contact you to make an appointment to place the fiber access point and install the fiber cables. After this, the process can continue. I hope I was able to make the process more clear to you. Since we are depending on the network administrator, I am unable to tell you when they will be able to do the installation. I understand if this makes you want to cancel the contract. If this is the case, please let me know so I can help you with this. 

Hoi Nora, 

There is an access point outside my house as of 2 weeks ago, the lack of communication from Odido has been awful and an honest answer would have helped a lot. Any actual ideas of how long it will take to install? 

And I'm still without internet 6m later... Any ideas of how to get connected? Or am I stuck with you guys shifting the blame to another company? Also very strange that everyone else on my street has internet connections but apparently mine is not even connected…


Would appreciate a resolution soon or some way to access the internet as that's what I'm paying you guys to do


Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi @NathanHarding, the current tentative activation date is 26-05. This is a target date and may change in the future due to accumulated delays. Hopefully we will know more about the delivery after that. 

Sorry just to confirm, I am without internet till the 26th of May? No interest in trying to help me get connected in a different way? 

How does everyone else on my street have internet apart from me? 

Once again I'm being told a couple of months away and no resolution in sight. 

Also can you please advise wether there is an ombudsman I can contact in regards to escalating this complaint? 


Reputatie 7
Badge +4

Hi @NathanHarding, we would love to give you more information, the difficulty currently is that we have also not received any information from the grid operator why some of the addresses in your street have been connected whereas most have not yet been connected. I expect that there will be more progress soon, but just to be sure I will ask our fiber department to contact the grid operator Open Dutch Fiber for you. They are in charge of connecting your home to their fiber network by arranging the necessary contractors.

I hope that we will hear more from them soon, I would love to see you enjoy fast and cheap fiber internet! 

I'm very confused... Open Dutch fiber say they are ready... The fibre cables were laid last week (I spoke to the guys doing it). This image also indicates it's ready... 

Something isn't adding up, even in this thread I'm being told May or no idea at all?!

Also no offer to help with a phone bundle to actually access the internet? 

It just seems your passing it off to another company even though it's actually your problem. 

Very disappointed




Reputatie 7
Badge +3

@NathanHarding My apologies for this late response! Your topic got placed in another list by accident. Luckily, I found it during our extra moderation round. 

I immediately looked into the system and fortunately I see that you have been in contact with my colleague about the situation. Did you manage to contact the network administrator to give permission? 

Do you still need help with the phone bundle? Please let me know, I’m here for you! 

