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I have the International subscription but can’t watch from several days channels 452 (Raiuno) and 247 ( France 24). Have already tried to reset the modem  and box tv several times but still can’t see these two channel. It’s always a  black screen for both. Also this is only for TV…...from app tv anywhere, I can watch these two channels.

Can you please help?


Hi @kresh, thanks a lot for letting me know! I'm going to help you right away so that these channels will work again as soon as possible. Can you please press the Menu or Gids/Guide button on the remote control? Do these become visible? If not, you can switch trough the tv's input channels with the remote control. 

If this didn't solve the problem, I want to check if you are using the right tv customer number. Sometimes a TV Box is registered incorrectly, with a different tv customer number. This can cause problems, so that's why I want to see if the TV Box is properly registered. I just sent the tv customer number that I see in the system in a private message. Please check if this matches the tv customer number that you are seeing. This is how you can check this:

  1. Menu > Settings (Instellingen)
  2. System information (Systeeminformatie) > Customer number (Klantnummer)

Thankyou for taking the effort! I will do my absolute best to solve this as soon as possible! 💪


Hi Lisa,


Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I still can’t see these two channels. I also replied  your private message. The TV customer number is registered correctly

Let me know if anything is needed from my side.

Thanks in advance




Hi @kresh, perfect that you immediately checked this! One of my colleagues has submitted a request to the technical department. They will get to work on this and the investigation will be completed within a few days. The solution will emerge from the investigation. As you asked in a private message, I don't know if you're going to get a new TV Box. We have to wait for the investigation first. Please know that the technical department is doing their best to solve this for you as soon as possible. Fingers crossed that you can watch these two channels again real soon! ❤️

Thanks Lisa for your check as well.

Looking forward then to have news from technical department

Kind Regards


Hi @kresh, I hope I have some good news for you! I can share an update with you sooner than I thought, yay. Changes were made last night by our technical department so it would be possible to watch these channels again. Can you please let me know if you are able to watch these channels again? You might need to perform a so-called powerflip first:

Can you please unplug the modem and the TV Box from the power socket? After that you unplug the Ethernet-cable from the TV Box. 20 seconds later re-plug the power cord from your modem into the power socket. Once every light is flickering on again like they’re supposed to, you may plug in the TV Box’s power cord. When the message ‘No internet-cable found’ appears (or in Dutch ‘geen internetkabel gevonden’), you may re-plug the internet-cable in your TV Box.

Please let me know if everything is working properly again! 😁

Hi Lisa,


I did exactly as you mentioned  above and  now I can see Raiuno (channel 452). Thanks a lot for that!!:blush:

….but unfortunately still have a black screen for France 24 (channel 247):frowning2: . I think I should see also France 24 cause have the International subscription.

Thanks again for following up

Kind Regards



Hi @kresh, thankyou so much for this update! I really hoped the problem was solved after this change. I immediately let one of my colleagues from the technical department know that this didn’t work for you. As soon as he lets me know another solution for you, I will write that down in this topic. I’ll keep you posted! 

Hi @kresh, I love to hear from you if you can watch these two channels by now? As I promised I kept an eye on your issue and on Friday all the problems were solved. So please let me know if that also apply to you! 

Hi Lisa, 

Thanks for following up. Unfortunately I still can’t see France 24.  Raiuno is okay.


Kind Regards

Hi @kresh, thanks a lot for letting me know! I immediately sent a new request to our technical department to make sure that France 24 will work as soon as possible again. I really hope they can arrange this. Thankyou for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience! ❤️