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Hi, I am having some trouble using roaming outside of the Netherlands. Roaming is on, I've restarted my phone and reset my network a couple times already and none of that worked

I’ve even tried manual selection for network provider but that hasn’t worked either

Do you have an open / overdue payment or a payment plan on an invoice?

I had one payment that was overdue, which i did pay earlier so currently i don’t have any

If your subscription was blocked to an overdue invoice, how did you make the payment? Ideal or manual transfer? In the first situation, it could take some hours, the 2nd type can take some days before the payment is processed and your subscription is released again.

iDeal, a couple hours ago

Try to reset your phone tomorrow,  that is if there are no other outstanding invoices!

Hello @senotisha 

If you look in your Odido accoujt isbevery invoice marked as betaald?
