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I got a new iPhone and want to use it. How is it possible that Odido doesn’t support BASIC functionality of a telecom provider? It’s not possible to get a new eSIM online. 


I get the error “Er is een fout opgetreden - we junnen je gegevens niet ophalen. Probeer het later opnieuw”


I tried on my old phone with active esim, different browsers, the odido app & on my laptop. 


A quick search in the community shows this error persists since 1 year already. How can this not be fixed?! 


Support is unavailable. I just want to use my phone & call 🙂 HELP!



Hello @5150peter, I'm happy to help you with this! 

For applying for an eSIM, we were indeed temporarily aware of a small issue, but that was resolved some time ago fortunately! 

Are you trying to request this in the app or via a browser/desktop version? Are you getting the same message there as well? If it is still happening in the app, I would like to ask you to uninstall it and then download it again. After that, you should be able to request an eSIM as usual. 

If it still does not work, can you send me a private message with your phone number, zip code + house number, date of birth and the last 4 digits of the bank account number known to us for verification? Then I can check with you and if necessary request a new eSIM for you! 

Kind regards, 
