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Transfer eSIM abroad

  • 7 June 2024
  • 8 reacties
  • 53 Bekeken


Can I transfer already activated esim from one phone to another? When I tried to follows Apple guide, I got an error message that carrier doesn't support it. 

8 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +14

No, this is not supported, also not when you would be in the Netherlands. 

Oh I see. Any other way to transfer esim? Like generate new QR code by Odido?

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi Romankva, welcome to our Community! I hope you're having a good time abroad. Do you have access (can you log in) to your Mijn Odido account? And is your current eSIM still active? If you can receive SMS, I can order a new eSIM for you. The only thing you will have to do then is to download and activate it from Mijn Odido. Please let me know and I will order one for you! 😄

Hi Marciano, 

Thank you for you answer. Yes I have access to sim and to Mijn Odido.

[Phone number removed by moderator. This is a public post!]

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi Roman, thanks for the confirmation! I just ordered a new eSIM for you. You can download it from this page in Mijn Odido, then follow the steps to activate it. Please let me know if it worked for you! 😄

Hi Roman, thanks for the confirmation! I just ordered a new eSIM for you. You can download it from this page in Mijn Odido, then follow the steps to activate it. Please let me know if it worked for you! 😄


Great, thank you! 

Started transferring, waiting for SMS to activate. On web site mentioned “It may take a few minutes for the message to arrive”, 10 minutes left, waiting more :)

Today morning got another SMS from Odido, sim card works. 

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Good morning Roman, nice to hear that it works now, and you're welcome! If you need any help in the future, please start a new topic. The Community is here for you. For now I wish you a great day and a good stay abroad! 😄
