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I got T-mobile mobile subscription and home internet recently (1 month and 15 days ago).

The multiple subscription benefit didnt start automatically since I saw my new invoice didnot show the discount. I saw that it needs to be done online, so I tried it and I kept getting the error : Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden. Probeer het later nog eens.

I called customer service and I was told it was problem with the website and a team is working on correcting it.

I wanted to start a forum topic to check if there is more information about the problem and any ETA on when it will be fixed. Do we need to manually link subscriptions to get the customer benefit or will it be done automatically.





I got T-mobile mobile subscription and home internet recently (1 month and 15 days ago).

The multiple subscription benefit didnt start automatically since I saw my new invoice didnot show the discount. I saw that it needs to be done online, so I tried it and I kept getting the error : Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden. Probeer het later nog eens.

I called customer service and I was told it was problem with the website and a team is working on correcting it.

I wanted to start a forum topic to check if there is more information about the problem and any ETA on when it will be fixed. Do we need to manually link subscriptions to get the customer benefit or will it be done automatically.





I'd be happy to find this out for you! Can you send me a private message with your phone number, zip code + house number, date of birth and the last 4 digits of the account number known to us for verification? Then I'll get to work for you right away! 

Kind regards, 

