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Hello, I'm trying to log in as I use to do before the company changed, to my only internet account that I have with you now and there's a SMS authentication code being sent to a kid number I've got from you but it's not active for a long time period and I've never accepted for it to be used as authenticator , because that's not my current phone number. I need to access to my account wich I've have for a long time, I want to change authenticator number you're using and change it for my actual number and buy more products from you but now not even the chat it's helpful or there's any way to send an email. Please come back to me as soon as possible 



Hi Sheryll, welcome to our Community! Nice to see that you have both a mobile and internet subscription with us. I logged into your Mijn Odido account and I indeed see another phone number set for verification. This other phone number is also under your name and address. Is it from someone in your house hold/your kid? The easiest way is to log into Mijn Odido, have the other phone(number) in reach to receive the verification, log in and change the verification number to your own. 

For security reasons, I'm not allowed to change the verification number, so the other option is to go to one of our shops and change it there. You will need to bring your ID. I hope the first option works for you. Please let me know! 😄

