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I Pay my Invoice with ideal 107.36 for my termijn and monthly payment i get also email that payment received my sim was block before now my simcard in unblocked but still in mij odido shows i haven't paid yet i still have to pay and april invoice still shows open but i already paid 107.36 can u plz check my klantnummer 1.21703903

Hello @Singh83,  very understandable that you want more clarity on this, which I am happy to give you! Thanks for sharing your customer number, this allowed me to check right in with you! 

I can indeed see that you have transferred an amount of € 107.36. This is linked and processed in your account. The amount is processed in your payment plan. You have requested a payment schedule for € 493,61, this amount is divided into 9 installments of € 54,84 each. I see that your amount of € 107,36 has been processed with the 3rd and 5th installment of your payment plan. These both consist of € 54,84. Added together this is € 109,86, so from your 5th installment there is now an amount outstanding of € 2,32. However, because you transferred the amount to us manually, it is now processed with the 3rd and 5th installment of your payment plan. Of course that is not the intention, because it should be processed with the 3rd and 4th installment of your payment plan. I have therefore immediately sent an e-mail to our financial department to have this corrected. For your payment plan you are then completely up to date. 

In addition, the April invoice is still open in your account. It concerns this invoice number: 901542694655 and an amount of € 52,52. This invoice should have been paid before 16-05-2024. So I advise you to pay this invoice as soon as possible to avoid a blockage and extra costs! 

Will that work? I'll make sure the amount is processed under the appropriate term of your payment plan, so you're up to date after that and that's in order.  If you have any other questions, feel free to let me know! 

Hello sir 

I think there is misunderstanding first of all i didnt pay manually i pay with ideal yesterday 22 may 2024 and there i pay my 3rd termijn already last month yesterday i login there was mention i have open amount to pay 4rth termijn and april month invoice total amount shows in ideal i have to pay 107,36 euro so i paid wuth ideal that was month april and 4th termijn and how can they do 5th termijn i have to pay mij 5th termijn on 17 june is stil 20 days there is misunderstanding im sure cuz in mij odido yesterday also mentioned 379,86 open and today also same idk what happend but i already paid for april and termijn 4th  as u said 3rd termijn but that i paid last month 

As you can see in screenshot there is showing  107. 36 open betaling achterstand so its shows april and termijn 4th total is 107.36 so that i paid yesterday with ideal and still shows open  and yesterday was same amount open 379.86 so now its totaly confused my sim was blocked that is unblocked idk what happend but i alreayd paid april and 4th termijn 3rd termijn i paid last month and 5th termijn i have to pay 17 june so plz fix i dont want any trouble cuz i get email if i didnt pay they stop my abbonment and they wil send to negtive bkr and i already paid so plz have a look

And one more thing u said they prossced at 5th termijn that in my odid9 still show open and ingepland for 17 june so totaly confused

And can u please do with payment department if they processed my payment with termijn 5 they should do at termijn 4 cuz termijn 5 i have to pay till 17 june and 4th termijn is still open i get email i have to pay fast please solve my issue

@Singh83  I understand very well what you mean. I try to explain it as clearly as possible. The amounts you paid earlier were processed with invoices that were still open in your account. You probably thought it was processed with the term of your payment plan, because I can see that you paid exactly the amount of your payment plan. However, it was not processed with your payment plan, but with previous invoices that were still outstanding in your account, for which you were also in arrears. 

In addition, you were indeed in arrears of € 107,36. This arrears consists of the April invoice (€52.52) and you were also in arrears for the third installment of your payment plan (€54.84). Put together, you thus arrive at the amount. 

You paid the amount of € 107,36 via iDeal. Once this is done, the amount will be processed with the invoices for which you have the longest outstanding arrears. In your case, this was the 3rd installment of your payment plan and that has also been processed nicely. You also had an outstanding amount of € 54,84 for the 4th installment of your payment plan and this should have been paid before 17-05-2024. Somehow, the amount of €  52,52 has been processed with the 5th installment of your payment plan, but of course this doesn't have to be paid until 17-06-2024. I have therefore sent a message to our financial department to have this rectified. 

However, your invoice from April is still outstanding. It concerns an amount of € 52,52 and should have been paid before 16-05-2024. I advise you to pay this amount as soon as possible. Then you will be completely up to date. I advise you not to pay this via iDeal, because then you will see a higher amount outstanding. You can transfer the amount manually to our account number: NL03 COBA 0733 959 717 in the name of Odido. Always mention your customer number (1.21703903) in the description, so we can link the payment to your account and process it. It will then take approximately 3 business days for the amount to be processed in your account.  

Hopefully it's clear for now, but if you have any other questions, just let me know! 

Oke but bow long they takes to change the 4th tterm paid behalf of 5th term

@Singh83 That will take a few days at most. I made the request for you by our financial department and I haven't received a response to that yet. I expect to get a response to this next week. As soon as I have it, I will let you know immediately in this topic! 

Hello sir is already 16 days they didn't change status of payment with term 4th i get email that they blocked my sim cuz of this i already paid term4 and u said they put on paid term 5th and u already requested to change can u please fix

Hello @Singh83, Indeed, I see that it has not been updated yet, apologies for that! I had sent an email, but had not received any more response to it. I am going to check with a person in charge of this immediately so that it can be updated as soon as possible. 

However, I see that in addition to your payment plan, you also have an outstanding invoice for which you are in arrears.  Your invoice from April is still outstanding. It concerns an amount of € 52,52 and should have been paid before 16-05-2024. I advise you to pay this amount as soon as possible. Then you will be completely up to date! 
