Hi Zhaoyuan, sorry to see you go, but I hope you're having a great time in Sweden! I've looked into the invoice for you and the last invoice you received in January is for the disconnection fee. When you cancel your subscription before the end of your contract you always pay a disconnection fee (schadevergoeding) that consists of 50% of the total costs that your subscription was still about to run for. The total is € 88,72 and it still needs to be paid.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I'm here for you!
Hi Zhaoyuan, sorry to see you go, but I hope you're having a great time in Sweden! I've looked into the invoice for you and the last invoice you received in January is for the disconnection fee. When you cancel your subscription before the end of your contract you always pay a disconnection fee (schadevergoeding) that consists of 50% of the total costs that your subscription was still about to run for. The total is € 88,72 and it still needs to be paid.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I'm here for you!
Hi Marciano, thank you so much!
I have paid the invoice by transferring the amount manually. Could you help me cancel the direct debit please?
Hi Zhaoyuan, you're very welcome! I don't see the payment coming in yet, but no worries. Manual payments take a few days to process. So, it should come in very soon. Once we've received this payment. The system will automatically cancel the direct debit, so everything should be fine! However, if you do receive an e-mail from us about another payment, please let me know and I'm happy to look into it, but from what I see now, it should be alright!