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Start of May I initiated a switch for my mobile phone provider from Odido to KPN. Contacted KPN to ask for them to retrieve my phone number, they responded with an email that the phone number is under contract still with Odido. Thus I contacted Odido and talked to a female employee to which I explained my situation, being changing provider and wanting to take my phone number with me, so I asked to end my phone contract earlier. She stated that I have to pay a fee for ending it early (April 7th instead of August 7th) and so I did gladly. Again contacted KPN to initiate another phone number takeover attempt before the 7th of April, same response - under contract. 7th of April passed, my contract with Odido ended, I contacted KPN to try again 2 times, to which both resulted in a failed attempt as the "sim card is no longer active". Very weird I thought so I called Odido to ask why they didn't follow their procedure, to which I only received excuses and misdirections. Finally one contact was escalated to another department which emailed me that as my contract was ending on April 7th, I had until May 7th to take that phone number. Very weird as I have two emails from KPN in that period stating that they cant get my phone number as sim is not active.


So after 8 years of being a loyal customer to T-mobile(now Odido) this is the treatment I get. My phone number that is linked to my digidid, bank accounts, email adresses, crypto wallet, university, work and so many more places has been lost due to the negligance of Odido. Has anyone else been screwed over similarly and what was the compensation or have u directly went for legal action in court?

I think that you talk to the wrong company.

As with the regular number porting proces,  the new provider initiates the proces and the systems from old and new provider are synchronised to handover the number. Once the handover is completed, the old contract will be cancelled.

In this case, the number porting was not completed as it was declined by Odido due to "in contract".

Than you decided to cancell the contract yourself. Odido supported your request and gave you a quote for cancelling your subscription on a date of your request. On the 7th april your contract was cancelled and your sim was taken off the air.

Now, the number porting to KPN is different as the sim is not active anymore,  KPN need to act in their systems for this situation. But after april 7 and now august 5, it is.lickely (after one month) that the number has been given back to the original provider (see ACM) or put in cooldown for 6 months before it can be put into service for a new customer.

Hey, I believe I am contacting the correct company as the email sent to me from an escalated department stated "Je had contact over het aanvragen van nummerbehoud, je hebt telefonisch een aanvraag ingediend op 7-3 om het abonnement stop te laten zetten op 7-4. Daarom is het helaas niet meer mogelijk om het nummer terug te halen je had hier tot uiterlijk 7 mei de tijd voor". If the new mobile provider cannot take over the phone number during the contract, as its under a contract, and cannot take it after the contract, as the sim is no longer active, then when can the phone number be taken? Doesn't seem like the procedure of odido was done properly and as I was told from Odido employee on the phone the moment the sim is inactive the number is lost.

Thus asking, as I am frustrated enough after months of handling issues from a basic procedure, I'm not here to read more excuses and responsibility dismissals, I am asking what is the compensation for wasting days of my time across months and losing my phone number?

The email stated that you requested on march to cancell the contract with Odido in April. It looks like Odido did that? Than the sim is deactivatd.

Paralell to the normal manual cancellation process you can request another provider to take over the number. That is in this case a task for KPN.

As stated previously, KPN did attempt twice in the period of April to May to get the phone number, to which I received the email of failure with cause "sim is no longer active".


Thus asking again this specific question "If new provider cannot take the phone number DURING the contract and right AFTER the contract, then when can it be taken?"

As the email provided by your colleague did state it could be taken after the contract, which turned out to be false as stated in the following email from the 20th of April:


Wij hebben bij uw huidige mobiele aanbieder een verzoek ingediend om uw huidige mobiele nummer 0640907860 over te nemen. Helaas is dit verzoek afgewezen.


Reden(en) van afwijzing

Uw huidige mobiele aanbieder geeft hiervoor de volgende reden(en):

  • Mobiel nummer is niet actief bij latende Service Provider"

Hello @mastirias I checked right along with you and what our SuperUser Eric says here is absolutely correct. I grabbed your number and I see that there are multiple applications for Number Retention. However, these were all submitted before the end of the contract (i.e. before 14-08-2024, as your contract ran until this date). Since you wanted to port the number earlier, it should be redeemed. If you then apply for Number Retention with a new provider, you can always choose these 3 options: 

1. On the first possible date specified by your provider.
Usually this is when your contract term with your provider has ended, or after a notice period. You won't pay any extra charges in that case.

2. In 3 business days, with surrender of your contract with your current provider.
You will receive all information about the surrender fee (such as how high it is, and how you pay it) from your current provider. In this case, this is us.

3. As soon as possible, keeping your contract with your current provider.
You keep your contract with your current provider, but get a new phone number there. 

You should have chosen option number 2 in this case, so KPN could take over the number after a month's notice. That didn't happen in this case. From our side, a cancellation/redemption was processed and you should have chosen the option to redeem with Number Retention with KPN in the period 07/03/24 to 07/04/24. Unfortunately, this did not happen. I can see that the last request was on 17/04/24, but that is after the date before your subscription became discontinued, hence the number is now also inactive. Because it is an old-Tele2 subscription, we can't activate the number anymore either. So this one has now expired sorry! 

Hello @mastirias I checked right along with you and what our SuperUser Eric says here is absolutely correct. I grabbed your number and I see that there are multiple applications for Number Retention. However, these were all submitted before the end of the contract (i.e. before 14-08-2024, as your contract ran until this date). Since you wanted to port the number earlier, it should be redeemed. If you then apply for Number Retention with a new provider, you can always choose these 3 options: 

1. On the first possible date specified by your provider.
Usually this is when your contract term with your provider has ended, or after a notice period. You won't pay any extra charges in that case.

2. In 3 business days, with surrender of your contract with your current provider.
You will receive all information about the surrender fee (such as how high it is, and how you pay it) from your current provider. In this case, this is us.

3. As soon as possible, keeping your contract with your current provider.
You keep your contract with your current provider, but get a new phone number there. 

You should have chosen option number 2 in this case, so KPN could take over the number after a month's notice. That didn't happen in this case. From our side, a cancellation/redemption was processed and you should have chosen the option to redeem with Number Retention with KPN in the period 07/03/24 to 07/04/24. Unfortunately, this did not happen. I can see that the last request was on 17/04/24, but that is after the date before your subscription became discontinued, hence the number is now also inactive. Because it is an old-Tele2 subscription, we can't activate the number anymore either. So this one has now expired sorry! 

Hey so last statement now is that I should have requested Number Retention with KPN in the period 07/03 to 07/04 and so I did and have the emails stating so:




Wij hebben bij uw huidige mobiele aanbieder een verzoek ingediend om uw huidige mobiele nummer taangepast door moderator, plaats a.u.b. geen privégegevens openbaar] over te zetten naar uw bestaande mobiele aansluiting met nummer maangepast door moderator, plaats a.u.b. geen privégegevens openbaar]  bij KPN. Helaas is dit verzoek afgewezen.

Reden(en) van afwijzing
Uw huidige mobiele aanbieder geeft hiervoor de volgende reden(en):

  • Nummerbehoud aanvraag is niet mogelijk vanwege lopende contract"

So again instead of throwing the ball between each other for months and months, how about you find the reason for this simple procedure to fail as 30 years ago at the dawn PCs mobile providers could keep your phone number between providers, while now with all your advancements you seem to fail at the basic level.


P.S. this thread is not answered as my issue has not been resolved.

@mastirias Yes, that's exactly what I meant. You applied for number portability with KPN, but did not choose to buy it from your current provider. Because you had chosen for ''regular Number Retention'', their application was rejected, because you were still in contract with us. You should have chosen to buyout with us, so that the number could be transferred to KPN after one month's notice. But because Number Retention was requested in the wrong way, the number has now expired, making it impossible for them to take it over. We also cannot activate the number anymore, because it is an old Tele2 subscription. I would have liked to give you a different answer, but that is no longer possible in this case, sorry! 

If you have any other questions, just let me know!


So throughout the 4 phone conversations that I have had with odido employees where I explained my issue and what I wanted, not only was I given wrong information multiple times, but I was never informed of the issue or warned of your terminology and over-complicated procedures.

My request was simple, let go of my phone number so the new company can take it over as they cannot do anything till you do so. 

Thank you for the clarification, will escalate this wrongdoing of corporate procedures.


@mastirias Apologies that this was not properly communicated, of course it should have been. I am always happy to look for a solution and I would have liked to give you a different answer, but I see that the number has expired and it really can't be activated anymore, sorry! 
