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Hello, last night the extension of my subscription (Unlimited Premium) started with Apple One (as an extra) linked to it. I did receive the confirmation of the start of the Apple One subscription, but not the activation sms. Would I still be able to receive that?

Hoi Andrei, welcome to our Community! Nice to see that you're willing to use Apple One, and thank you for filling in your profile. I just sent you the activation link per SMS again. Please let me know if you received it! 😊


i received de sms but i can not open de link


Hello @Vc Andrei, is it still not working out? If you click on the link in the text message, it should do it. After you click the link, Apple will get to work activating everything. If it doesn't work, I recommend you contact Apple: They can then check with you to see exactly what is going wrong! 

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! 
