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I tried to order a phone with a subscription two days ago and move my phone number to Odido. 

Order number is 204564099.


Amp contacted via email yesterday telling me that the delivery was cancelled from Odido. 

When I check my order from the confirmation email I got, it still says that they have given the order to the delivery person. 


Which one is correct?

My guess is that the order page is not updated yet to show that is has been cancelled. 

Because if I understand correctly, I can't have a subscription with Odido (just sim only) because I don't have a Dutch id or passport.


Which is kinda weird to be honest because I have bought a house with mortgage and I can't seem to be able to buy a phone 😂


Thank you for the time reading all this!


Kind regards,

Angelos Gianniotis 

Hi Angelos, welcome to our Community and great to see that you chose us for your subscription! Thanks for sharing your order number. I see that the order has been cancelled because there's no valid resident document. Or the note that came with it says; a valid document number doesn't start with either the digit of letter that you gave up. Could you please double check your data? If everything is correct, please contact my colleagues from Sales on 0800-0092. I'm sure they can help you to place a new order without it being cancelled. I'm sorry for the inconvience, but I'm positive that it will be alright! 😄
