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Good day! Today, I tried to extend my phone contract with Odido. However, during the process, there was a payment error. I tried it again, and it’s saying:

“Uit onze gegevens blijkt dat je kortgeleden je abonnement al verlengd hebt. Je kunt deze gegevens controleren op My Odido.”


With this, I can’t renew and/or pay

Hello ​@SnelPaard 

And if you check your banking app the amount hasn't been paid and you see nothing new in your Odido account when you click on abonnement?

Yes, no charges on my bank account. I can see Nieuw subscription beside the Huidig. However, I don’t see any option on how to pay for it.

Ok, got now an email and it has a payment link to it.

Hi Snelpaard, nice to see that you're staying with us! Did everything go well now with the e-mail and the payment link? 😄

Yes, the email and payment went through. Now just waiting for the delivery. Thank you!

Good morning, that's good to hear! I hope you have your new phone soon and I hope that you will love it! 😄
