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I ordered a week ago internet for my next flat, with activation date on the 1st of september. 
I imperativly need internet on that day, as I am working from home.

I have not receive any confirmation email nor update about my subscription since then. 

The status is only saying “We zijn druk bezig met het controleren van je bestelling”. And to be honnest it is a bit frustrating, as i just want visibility.

Here are my questions : when can I expect to receive my box? and will my internet ready on the 1st of September?

I am going on vacation in a few day, and I just need a bit of more visibility on this.
Best regards



Hi @Benlanuts, welcome to the Community!

I immediately checked up on your requested order and there seems to be a duplicate order on the same address. Are you sure the current/former resident doesn't have a contract that's yet to end? If say, the current resident has a contract that won't expire until October 1st, for instance, then your order can't be pushed forward to September 1st. It's technically not possible to have two connections active on the same address.

Hi Jason, 
Thanks for your answer.
The person that lives there is moving out tomorrow and told me that she will send the box back to T-Mobile today. So her contract should be over by the end of the month correct? Is there no way to end the contract earlier, as she will obviously not need the line if she moves out.

Actually she cancelled her subscription on the 3rd of August, so I guess i can have a signal by the 3rd of September, correct? 
If that is the case that is fine by me, however can I still expect to receive the box beforehand, so I can use internet as soon as it is live? 

Thanks again for you time answering my questions.



@Benlanuts Ah great, now I understand why our system's notified us on there being duplicate orders! 😊👍

Regarding the current resident: you're correct. She cancelled on August 3rd, so that means the one month term of notice runs out on September 3rd, which basically means your contract can start on September 3rd. I'll try and push the wish date to the 3rd. Will let you know as soon as possible, to be continued (soon)!


Update: I've managed to push back the wish date to September 3rd and it seems to have worked. If I can help you with anything else, feel free to ask! 😁

Thanks a lot for your help, 
I really appreciate! 

