No Internet since morning (03-09-2019)

  • 3 September 2019
  • 10 reacties
  • 438 Bekeken

Reputatie 1
My router is switched off every night and switched on back in the morning. But this morning (around 6:30 ), when it was switched on - No Internet. Then internet appeared around 7:00. I did some tests, so I switched the router off, and then on - No internet again. It's still the problem up to now. It looks like IP address cannot be allocated. I had this problem already a few times within year 2019. Sometime there was no internet for a week, then it appeared. My post code is 3452BJ (Utrech-Vleuten)

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10 reacties

Reputatie 7
Hey @opechunka,

I see that you've spoken my colleague yesterday. Apparently a visit from our engineer is required. You can easily make an appointment on this number: 088 - 2000 151. Our engineer will do their utterly best to solve this problem for you. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience!
Reputatie 1
The problem happens when the router is switched off and then on. Very often external IP is not obtained. The router requests IP via DHCP and the response is NAC. That is a problem. Yesterday, after a few hours after the router was switchec on, the IP was obtained finaly. And I didn't have time to continue doing experiments. So the router is still on , was not switched off since then and Internet is available. It's definitely an IT infrastructure problem. What is the reason to invite T-Mobile engeneer into my house and waste my whole working day?
Since topic start is in English, I’ll post my reply also in English.

I experience the exact same issue as topic starter. Sometimes when the modem has been off for some time (and exceptionally also when I power cycle the modem) it takes ages before it gets an external IP.

When this problem occurs, the modem reports “IPv4 status: Connecting” for INTERNET_VOICE_R_VID300_ETH on the internet status page.

I don’t known if it is a regional problem, but I live in the same area (zip code 3543, Utrecht)

Would be nice if something can be done to resolve this.
Reputatie 1
So, since the yesterday. The internet works again. Now external IP is leased just for 15 minutes and every 15 minutes it's been renewed.

Question to T_Mobile staff. I have an appointment for 25th of September with T-Mobile (Guidion Telecom) technician As it seems the problem has been solved, does it makes sense to have an appointment still or cancel it?

Reputatie 7
@RobbertPr This could be because the modem hasn't been connected in some time, in that case the IP address could change as well. I would recommended leaving the modem powered on.

@opechunka Good to hear your connection problems are solved but a 15 minute lease isn't really what's supposed to happen. Are you using your own modem or the one supplied by us? And does it happen with both modems? In that case a mechanic won't be able to fix the issue like you rightly stated and I will cancel the appointment for you.
Reputatie 1
@RobbertPr This could be because the modem hasn't been connected in some time, in that case the IP address could change as well. I would recommended leaving the modem powered on.

@opechunka Good to hear your connection problems are solved but a 15 minuten isn't really what's supposed to happen. Are you using your own modem or the own supplied by us? And does it happen with both modems? In that case a mechanic won't be able to fix the issue like you rightly stated and I will cancel the appointment for you.

@Brian. So for a week no problems with Internet. Just checked, the IP is leased for 1 hour. Then every hour it's been renewed.
I'm using my own modem with media converter. But as soon as I have problems with Internet, I put back original Vigor modem. As your staff want just to here that the original modem is connected, then the only thing what they are thought to do is ask to reset modem. Ask whether do I have my problems only via WiFi or with network cable connected PC too. And finally 99% solution is to arrange an appointment with a mechanic. Because it's the only possible solution when mechanic will come to my home and will fix something mysteriously.:))) Your staff on the phone at customer service don't understand any word what I'm trying to explain the issue is about. They are complete laymen at the IT. And sometime they still try to convince me that this is normal to wait until modem is connected (get Ext. IP) for 10-15 minutes! Ok, but it's even not the case. Because sometime it doesn't get IP for days!
When problem exist it doesn't matter which modem is used. When no problems, it also doesn't matter - both works then.

So what are we doing with an appointment on 25-th of September?
Reputatie 1
@RobbertPr This could be because the modem hasn't been connected in some time, in that case the IP address could change as well. I would recommended leaving the modem powered on. @opechunka Good to hear your connection problems are solved but a 15 minuten isn't really what's supposed to happen. Are you using your own modem or the own supplied by us? And does it happen with both modems? In that case a mechanic won't be able to fix the issue like you rightly stated and I will cancel the appointment for you.
@Brian. So for a week no problems with Internet. Just checked, the IP is leased for 1 hour. Then every hour it's been renewed. I'm using my own modem with media converter. But as soon as I have problems with Internet, I put back original Vigor modem. As your staff want just to here that the original modem is connected, then the only thing what they are thought to do is ask to reset modem. Ask whether do I have my problems only via WiFi or with network cable connected PC too. And finally 99% solution is to arrange an appointment with a mechanic. Because it's the only possible solution when mechanic will come to my home and will fix something mysteriously.:))) Your staff on the phone at customer service don't understand any word what I'm trying to explain the issue is about. They are complete laymen at the IT. And sometime they still try to convince me that this is normal to wait until modem is connected (get Ext. IP) for 10-15 minutes! Ok, but it's even not the case. Because sometime it doesn't get IP for days! When problem exist it doesn't matter which modem is used. When no problems, it also doesn't matter - both works then. So what are we doing with an appointment on 25-th of September?

Ok, It's to late to cancel appointment. Tomorrow mechanic from Guidion is coming. Let's see how inefficient T-Mobile is. How T-Mobile waste a lot of time of customers and own staff for nothing.
Reputatie 1
So, a mechanics came to my house. He just confirmed, that there is no problems with internet at the moment. So the question is, WHY T-MOBILE customer service insist on mechanic visit?! The problem was not on my side at all !!!
I discussed the way how the customer service works with a guy. He understand all this mess around. But he is not from T-Mobile. He is from Guidion. And it's just Guidion's business to come to houses and solve problems. And if there is no issue to fix in house, no problems. I assume Guidion still charges T-Mobile for such visits. So why to resist if this business model is good for Guidion. But what about customers? Come on, they just don't care about us (both T-Mobile, Guidion, etc.)
Reputatie 7
Hi @opechunka, basic customer support can only get you so far. Asking you to connect our modem is standard practice because otherwise we can't do a line analysis for example. Most connections issues are one of three things, the modem, your connection at home (ISRA/FTU) or the incoming line/data center. What our customer supports does is eliminate possible causes starting with the modem and the home connection and working back from there. Sorry about the hassle in this case. Should you experience any problems in the future then do let me know!
Reputatie 1
Hi @opechunka, basic customer support can only get you so far. Asking you to connect our modem is standard practice because otherwise we can't do a line analysis for example. Most connections issues are one of three things, the modem, your connection at home (ISRA/FTU) or the incoming line/data center. What our customer supports does is eliminate possible causes starting with the modem and the home connection and working back from there. Sorry about the hassle in this case. Should you experience any problems in the future then do let me know!

Hi @Brian, It's not a problem to connect T-Mobile modem. The problem is that after I connect, they did what they should do and after that they ARE NOT ABLE to proceed with a problem in right direction. The additional info that I provide about the issue, which would help to resolve it much more efficiently, they DON'T UNDERSTAND at all. They just stupidly insist on a mechanic visit, which for me is obviously useless, as a problem is completely in different area. In short it looks very very very unprofessional. So I would prefer to be in contact with people who understand what I complain about, or at least are able to transfer my message to the right people and get after this some feedback.