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I am not getting home Internet at 2593 Hague since past more than 2-3 hours …. not sure how can I reach t mobile customer support or service team ….. can anyone help me out to contact t mobile service guys ?  I get red signal on the modem … even after several restarts or any options … still I see red signal…. t mobile home internet team… please let me know what’s wrong with Internet?

is anyone else facing same no Internet at home? 

I’m in The Hague as well (2594 postal code) and experience the same issue. At 16:45 my internet connection stopped and the light turned red on my modem.

I did manage to speak to the customer service team, they said it is an external issue (outside my house). Something with the WAN. It has been forwarded to technicians but they couldn’t say how long it will take to fix it. More a matter of days than hours he said… I posted a similar question also on this forum as we also need to work from home and we should be better informed on the issue and the progress of the solution. 
let’s hope T-Mobile will respond to our questions with clear information and timings!


take care 


Just spotted this under the “general” section 


it says they are getting many complaints from The Hague / Voorburg with the same issue we have. I guess it should now have their priority as it is impacting a lot of people now

lets hope we wake up tomorrow with working internet connection ;)

I have 2595 postal code and the same problem here, since 5 pm this afternoon, no internet! Tv still works though…

Where does it state that it will take days?



I have the same problem since 5 pm.

I tried to contact the customer service ,but I gave up after 45 minutes waiting time.

Hopefully this will get fixed until tomorrow morning

My postcode is 2593 as well and I'm experiencing the same problem. Is it really gonna take days? And will we receive compensation if it does?

Still no internet! And no updates from T-mobile 😡

Same problem. No internet since 16.45 yesterday.. already an hour in the queue to speak with customer service.. 

@t-mobile could you please give a reaction?

Hi @mshyamraj_tmobile and everyone else, welcome to the Community!

Sorry for the inconvenience and lack of clarity so far.

We have received several reports that a number of our customers are experiencing problems with Internet, TV and landline calling in the region of The Hague / Voorburg and in Culemborg. The exact cause is not yet known, the investigation is still in progress. In this topic we will keep you informed: Is er een algemeen verbindingsprobleem?

Hi @mshyamraj_tmobile and everyone else, welcome to the Community!

Sorry for the inconvenience and lack of clarity so far.

We have received several reports that a number of our customers are experiencing problems with Internet, TV and landline calling in the region of The Hague / Voorburg and in Culemborg. The exact cause is not yet known, the investigation is still in progress. In this topic we will keep you informed: Is er een algemeen verbindingsprobleem?

Thanks Jason for responding….. I would like to know the compensation which I should get due to no Internet at my home. Also, do you have any alternate network such that I can use ? Like plug and play internet? Since I am heavily depended on internet. All my work is at stake now… I hope you got my point. Please provide me alternate internet to use. Thanks.

Same here at 2595. Red light on the router since yesterday at 5pm. Basically I can't work, had to let my boss know in the morning. 

If we had a storm or something I would get it, but it's not the case. It should seriously already be repaired, especially in the context of remote work. 

Great question @mshyamraj_tmobile: I'll send everyone in this topic a PM with a 24 hour Unlimited Internet voucher. That way you'll be able to work via mobile hotspot. Hope that helps for the time being!

We've also been without internet since yesterday afternoon. As many of us this is a major disruption to working from home. 


Same problem here at 2592. No internet since yesterday around 5 pm. I am also working from home and this is very, very inconvenient. Hopefully the problem will be solved today!

UPDATE: most people seem to have come online again! 

Please try resetting the modem and Media Converter (grayish, black box between FTU and modem); that should do the trick!

@Danielcrex and @Rianca Do you both happen to have a T-Mobile sim card?

UPDATE: most people seem to have come online again! 

Please try resetting the modem and Media Converter (grayish, black box between FTU and modem); that should do the trick!

@Danielcrex and @Rianca Do you both happen to have a T-Mobile sim card?

Yes, both t-mobile sim and House

Yes my internet is working again! :grinning: I do not have a T-Mobile sim card. Only T-Mobile Home internet. 

Doesn't work for me at 2595. The light is green and blinking though, but no internet access. I rebooted the router a couple of times but it didn't help. 

Hier ook nog steeds geen internet na diverse malen alle opnieuw opgestart te hebben….Thuis aan het werk en zeker niet blij….wanneer is het nu echt verholpen??? Je kan toch je klanten niet zo laten zitten zonder enige uitleg??

No, still no internet. Also rebooted a couple of times 😔

Great question @mshyamraj_tmobile: I'll send everyone in this topic a PM with a 24 hour Unlimited Internet voucher. That way you'll be able to work via mobile hotspot. Hope that helps for the time being!

ook wij ontvangen deze graag…..maar nog mooier zou het zijn wanneer het normale internet het weer doet...

2595 still no internet connection, any updates?

Works now at 2595. Unplugged the router 30 min ago and hoped for the best and now it's all good. 

Hi all, most people seem to have come back online. Still not working at your home address though? Please let us know and we'll make sure it'll be dealt with accordingly. Sorry for the inconvenience!

I am not getting home Internet at 2593 Hague since past more than 2-3 hours …. not sure how can I reach t mobile customer support or service team ….. can anyone help me out to contact t mobile service guys ?  I get red signal on the modem … even after several restarts or any options … still I see red signal…. t mobile home internet team… please let me know what’s wrong with Internet?

is anyone else facing same no Internet at home? 

Yes same here in 2591

Same in Arnhem 
