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Since this morning my internet has been disconnected a couple of times. It came back after 5 minutes or so after turning on/off the modem.

I hope it doesn’t go away the third time. Is it an issue at my area only? (postal code: XXXX)

Best regards,


Moderator edit: please don't add personal info to a public post, thanks! 

Hi @alisiddiqi87 ,

Good thing of you to notify us. I really want to make sure your connection is as stable as it was before. I've taken a look from our side and see a stable connection coming in for some time now. Are you still experiencing trouble with your connection? We've got some handy tips on our Wiki page to make sure the connection is as stable as possible: 

Please be aware that the page is in Dutch, but a quick translation tool might do the trick! If you still experience trouble after going through the above tips, please let us know. One of us will take the steps needed to help you out! 

Thanks for the update. Since last night it seems to be working fine.


