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Moving abroad

  • 16 July 2024
  • 7 reacties
  • 36 Bekeken


My company is moving me abroad (i.e. not in the Netherlands), and I would like to cancel my Internet subscription.

Could you please assist me with this?


Hi @Kewin, good that you contact us about it. Although I rather have that you stayed with us, I fully understand that there is no way around it. To cancel your subscription, could please:

  • Indicate on which date you would like to end the subscription? Please keep in mind that there is a one-month notice period.
  • Add your customer number to your Community profile. Your customer number is structured like ABC12345 and you can find it in the e-mails we sent you or in Mijn Odido.

As soon as I know more, I can immediately arrange this for you!

Hi @Cal van Odido, thanks for your quick answer!

I’d also rather stay, but this is life. I will be abroad already within a month, so I would like to initiate the cancellation as soon as possible. I have added my customer number to my profile, thanks again!



You have added your mobile customer number @Kewin, is this about a mobile subscription or glasvezel/DSL? 

My bad, both customer numbers are now ok. The question is about the internet connection, for now I need to keep the phones numbers. Thanks!

I can get the contract cancelled a day later for you @Kewin. So if I cancel it today, this will go into effect on the 19th. Is this too early or is it okay?

That is perfect, thank you!

I have set it in motion for you @Kewin, you will receive a message about the cancellation soon. Goodluck abroad! 
