
switch to another provider before renewal date

  • 23 January 2023
  • 1 reactie
  • 79 Bekeken

Hi, I have a 24-month subscription with tmobile which lasts till August, 2023. On my tmobile app it says available renewal date is this April (4 months before the end date). However, I'd like to switch to another provider with a new phone subscription now. In this case, should I cancel/buy off my current tmobile subscription to port my number to another provider? Or can I still get a new subscription without cancel my current tmobile subscription? I have paid off all the device loan for your information.



Beste antwoord door eric 23 January 2023, 07:42

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1 reactie

Reputatie 7
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Hi @Hclaudia , welcome to the community. 

A payoff is possible,  you switch your subscription at t-mobile to the smallest minute/gb bundle. That monthly amount X the months left in your subscription is the payoff. 

Alternative is that you order that new subscription with a new number and start number transfer of your own number to that new provider later in August. If this feature is possible depends on the new provider. 

What are you missing with t-mobile to make this switch?
