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on the 4th of February my mobile phone( deleted by Moderator due to privacy reasons) internet ends. you were going to give me information about which new package I should sign up for. i am still waiting. my home internet and mobile phone internet are unlimited. but i don't want to make my mobile phone internet unlimited anymore. as a long time user, can you specify the advantageous quota internet packages (mobile phone internet). i also want an iphone phone. i want to buy an iphone phone in installments with my phone internet. how much are the monthly payments? home+mobile internet and iphone phone ...can you give me information about this?  

Mustafa TURKER

Hi @mustafaturker , welcome.

You have so many questions and existing products.

I feel it is beter to talk in person with a t-mobile representative.  They have around 140 shops through the Netherlands. 

Hi @mustafaturker 

As eric mentioned you can visit a T-Mobile shop and my colleagues will be happy to give you all the information you need about the subscriptions we offer. You can also call our sales department and my colleagues will help you with all your questions. You can reach them on this number free of charge. 0800 8104. 

I hope you will have all the answers you need soon!
