Aanvulling: gebruik geen hoofdletters! Schreeuwen helpt niet!
De moderators helpen je op volgorde van binnenkomst.
Aanvulling: gebruik geen hoofdletters! Schreeuwen helpt niet!
De moderators helpen je op volgorde van binnenkomst.
Ik ga deze toevoegen! Thanks!
Wellicht is het ook handig om bij een technische vraag/probleem de stappen te vermelden die al reeds ondernomen zijn door de klant of een medewerker. Dit komt de doorlooptijd voor de klant ten goede aangezien deze vragen niet nogmaals gesteld hoeven te worden
I recently left NL and need my subscription canceled immediately. I am unable to call the customer service line because if roaming charges amongst other things. From what I've gathered so far, I understand that it is not possible for me to cancel it on my own. I need an odido employee to do it on my behalf and it's been a challenge to get hold of one.
I recently left NL and need my subscription canceled immediately. I am unable to call the customer service line because if roaming charges amongst other things. From what I've gathered so far, I understand that it is not possible for me to cancel it on my own. I need an odido employee to do it on my behalf and it's been a challenge to get hold of one.
Do you want to cancel by post? Send your cancellation to:
Odido Service BV
PO Box 16272
2500BG The Hague
In any case, please state in your letter:
the telephone number of the subscription
your customer number (this can be found on your invoice)
your name and address details
After your cancellation, you will receive a written confirmation from us stating the cancellation date.
Is your contract still running? you still have to pay redemption costs
Hey @Mphandika, welcome to our community!
Good of you to raise the alarm for this. I wanted to check for you right away, however, I can't find a subscription at this email address. Can you add your customer number to your profile? This can be found at Mijn Odido → Internet + TV abonnement → Meer → Mijn gegevens; at the top of the page: Jouw Klantnummer: ABC1234. Thanks in advance!
[verwijderd door moderator wegens het delen van persoonsgegevens]
I am finding difficulty with locating the account number. Maybe because I am using the phone version of the website and currently have no access to a computer. I hope that information is enough to get this issue sorted out.
Hi @Mphandika
I deleted your screenshot because it contains your personal details and this is a public platform. I have already answered your question in this topic and I am waiting on your private message.