Hi @Fadi AC,
Thanks for your message. I'm very sorry to hear about this ordeal. This is clearly not the service we believe in and for that I really want to apologize. I've looked at the situation and understand there's been attempts to establish contact through a phone call, to explain the situation and take notice of your complaint. The first time we had no luck in reaching you, but I'm very curious if communications have been made yesterday. Did you happen to speak to one of our specialists on the phone? Please know that we take your situation very serious and would like to install you ASAP. If you have any questions in the meantime, we're here for you.
Hi @Boris,
Last phone call I had with T-Mobile was on 18/07/2022 (I was the caller).
Since that date, I never received any call, email or even missed call from T-Mobile team.
I am really frustrated by the ambiguity and longevity of my situation.
This forum is my last resort, if things will not get as per my expectations then I will have to terminate all of my contracts with T-Mobile (Thuis + Mobile) and go to another normal provider that treats his customers fairly.
Hi @Fadi AC, I've requested our Fiber-department to call you a the soonest possible convenience. Please keep in mind that Fiber always calls anonymously. This means you won't see a caller-ID when the call is incoming.
I sincerely hope you'll receive an update asap. Please keep us posted, thanks so much for your patience and understanding!
Hi @Jason,
Thanks for your reply. I am aware about anonymous calls from Fiber team/T-Mobile team. So I am on the lookout for all calls to resolve this dragging issue.
Let’s see if we will find a closure soon, thanks for your hard work @Jason & @Boris 
I want to revive this topic because I received an email from TOF groep on August 3rd and confirmed the appointment that was supposed to happen today between 9 & 12.
Nobody showed up to my house while I’ve been eagerly waiting since 9 AM and I did not receive any communication through email/mail/phone/etc stating delay/rescheduling/cancelation of the appointment.
Of course I called TOF groep and asked, they don’t know and told me a colleague will call me back today. I am still waiting for the call but honestly I am not optimistic at all as they said no more installations today, MAYBE tomorrow!!!!
So now my internet is delayed further to an unknown date as I still need TOF to come, Gideon and also to be connected to the network.
Hi @Fadi AC,
I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. Along with you, I was hoping we could have finished the connection so we could plan our installation. Have you been able to get an update from our operator and technician? Please let me know, so we can hunt down this information for you. I'll await your message.
Hi @Boris,
Unfortunately I did not, i keep on calling them and they reply by they will get back to me shortly but nothing happens 

Hi @Fadi AC,
Thanks for your lightning fast response. I've alerted our Fiber specialists once again to make sure we can get an update on the situation and can give you clarity on the situation. We'll keep you notified on the situation via phone. Again my sincere apologies, this is not how we'd like to see the situation handled. We'll keep you posted!
Thanks a lot @Boris for your hard work, let’s hope this problem will be solved soon as waiting for additional more weeks for TOF groep to pass by is not an option for me anymore.
@Boris & @Jason,
Today I called again TOF Group and the operator told me she doesn’t speak good English and the earliest possible appointment is September 19.
That’s 3 weeks from now and they already should have fixed it on August 25. They didn’t even provide a reason why they didn’t come on August 25 and they are not willing to give me an earlier date within this week.
I cannot accept this treatment and this way of working & T-Mobile should not accept it either. I am a victim of all this and the sacrifice is being made from my end only. unbelievable and unacceptable by all means.
Curious to know what you think and if actions will be taken to expedite my case!
Update: Today TOF Group contacted me and after few email exchanges they agreed to send a technician to my house today. They just finished the installation of the glasvezel & next step for me is to have an appointment with Guidion.
I called T-mobile client service, and they informed me that there are some products that need to come to my house before I am able to make an appointment with Guidion. ETA is 2 days so let’s hope I receive the products this week along with an email to register an appointment with Guidion
Hi @Fadi AC,
That's very good news and thank you for your update! I'm glad to see our grid operator was able to finally connect your home to the grid. An appointment with Guidion will be made ASAP from an automated action. Good things are coming and good to see that there's a breakthrough in this case!
Hi @Boris, @Jason and all T-Mobile Moderators,
Last Friday (09/09/2022), Guidion technician came to my house to do the internal installation of fiber optics connections. Here’s the outcome of the report sent to me by Guidion:”Installatie voor internet en tv gereed echter komt er geen licht binnen waardoor de diensten niet online komen. Uitgebreide
troubleshoot idem. Modem en ONT nabij de FTU in de meterkast geplaatst. Gemeld aan T-Mobile backoffice die het op
gaan pakken, klant wordt op de hoogte gehouden.”
Also, he told me that disturbances are solved within 48 hours, so I should get a call between today (09/09/2022) and Monday (12/09/2022).
I didn’t receive anything and I began calling T-Mobile client service again where they created a ticket and said it takes 4 working days to be processed.
Today (15/09/2022), I received a call from TOF Group to come on Saturday (17/09/2022) and check my connection. I told them on Saturday I am not at home, but I am available today and tomorrow all day.
The operator said Saturday is the earliest possible, and she will call me back once another appointment possibility is known.
Until now I didn’t receive a call and I am seen as delaying the process, while this should’ve been solved at the beginning of this week.
I urge you to act firmly and solve this problem, you are my ray of hope in this mysterious world of fiber optics.
Best Regards,
Hi @Fadi AC,
I’m terribly sorry that we did not manage to fix it sooner, I am unsure why the TOF Group did not call you sooner.
I immediately wanted to raise alarm at the TOF Group, but I was very happy to read that your Internet connection was fixed yesterday and that you are now fully online.
Feel free to let me know if there’s anything else. For now, I want to wish you a lot of fun with your Internet connection! 
Hey @Cal ,
After exchanging emails yesterday, they sent a mechanic today and fixed it (almost an hour ago). Finally I am online now.
Thanks for the support of the community!