Frutrated with Odido service

  • 28 March 2024
  • 3 reacties
  • 55 Bekeken

Hello, I’m suffering from the disconnection of internet for more than 2 weeks. No resolution is coming after many calls and complaints. My issue transferred to Delta now and no one is visiting my home even after appointment. I am frustrated right now. Can’t live without internet anymore. This is annoying and painful. I want to leave Odido internet now as I am not getting any service. What is the process to quit Odido?

Issue: PON flashing. Guidion technician came and said its the problem with Delta Network. Now delta scheduled an appointment, but no one showed up in the time. 

Tommie van Odido 3 maanden geleden

Hi @JoyantaM, welcome to our Community!
Thank you for sounding the alarm. I immediately checked for you and saw that the technician created a ticket for you. We forwarded it to the subcontractor. Now we are waiting for them to pick up the ticket. Hopefully we'll have you back online soon. Would you keep me updated on the process? Then I can keep an eye out for you. 

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3 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +14

When the issue is not resolved within 30 days you can cancell via the customer care telephone number without a cancellation fee.

But try to call Delta and make a new appointment.

What is the customer care number of Delta?

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi @JoyantaM, welcome to our Community!
Thank you for sounding the alarm. I immediately checked for you and saw that the technician created a ticket for you. We forwarded it to the subcontractor. Now we are waiting for them to pick up the ticket. Hopefully we'll have you back online soon. Would you keep me updated on the process? Then I can keep an eye out for you. 
