
Cannot subscribe to Odido and get the phone because I don't have a dutch ID

  • 24 February 2024
  • 1 reactie
  • 142 Bekeken

After calling for 3 days Odido asked why I kept getting an error on my application to pay monthly for a phone and a subscription they told me to go to the store. I went to the store and apparently, I cannot do this because I’m a European citizen but without a Dutch license or ID, I have a European passport and I have a European ID but is not Dutch so I cannot pay the phone in installment but only to pay everything one time. That’s crazy, why my documents are not valid? I have lived in this country for almost 3 years, working and having my own home. People can buy houses with their European passport but pay a phone is not legal.

You just lost a client.


Beste antwoord door Waqqas 24 February 2024, 21:27

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1 reactie

Reputatie 7
Badge +15

Hello @orbee 

Every provider has its own rules regarding accepting mobile subscriptions in combination with an EU ID card or EU passport.

Also see this page.
