
no internet - technician appointment

  • 11 January 2018
  • 10 reacties
  • 348 Bekeken

Dear T Mobile, I dont have internet at my home for last 24 hours. Today I got an appointment to check the issue by next wednesday (exactly after 1 week). It is really disappointing. Could you please help to check the issue immediately by this week itself?

Beste antwoord door Sterre 14 January 2018, 18:33

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10 reacties

Another disappointment. Even the 1 week later appointment is cancelled without any reasons. Now I need to make another appointment. The most difficult part is to get the support people on call to make an appointment. They are always busy 😥. Probably I am not gonna have internet in near future. Can anyone advise if I can cancel T mobile subscription? May be I can opt for a better provider.

Je afspraak met de monteur is geannuleerd. Als je al een nieuwe afspraak hebt gemaakt of toch geen hulp nodig hebt, dan hoef je niets te doen. Heb je een nieuwe afspraak nodig? Neem dan contact op met de Klantenservice van Guidion.

Je kunt de Guidion Klantenservice telefonisch bereiken van maandag tot en met donderdag tussen 09:00 en 21:00 uur, op vrijdag tussen 09:00 en 17:30 uur en op zaterdag van 09:00 tot 17:00 uur via het telefoonnummer 088-2000151 (lokaal tarief).

Met vriendelijke groet,

Guidion Telecom Support
I'm sorry. I'm an expat. I use Google translate to translate these mails. If my understanding is wrong, please correct. Thanks.
Just an update. It's a mistake from support that it's cancelled. Glad to know the appointment is still on. Hope my issue will be fixed soon.

Vandaag hebt je rond 19:15 uur een e-mail van ons ontvangen dat jouw afspraak met de Guidion expert is geannuleerd. Dit is niet het geval! De afspraak gaat gewoon door. Je kunt de e-mail over de annulering als niet verzonden beschouwen. We hebben geconstateerd dat er een foutje is geslopen in ons e-mail systeem. Onze excuses hiervoor.

Voor alle duidelijkheid: Jouw afspraak met de Guidion expert gaat gewoon door! Je kunt voorgaande e-mail als niet verzonden beschouwen.

Nogmaals excuses voor het ongemak.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Reputatie 7
Hi vid1991!

I'm sorry to read your internet isn't working well. The technician from Guidion will help you fix it, I can't do much before he checks your connection, but I'm sure your internet is working again after this appointment! And yes, indeed, your appointment isn't cancelled, it was a mistake sending that e-mail!
Hi, no luck. The technician said there is no problem with modem or installation in home. Its the problem with the line signal. Still I don't understand why I had to wait for a week to just check the modem if its a problem with line signal :8:? . now i don't have any idea who is gonna fix this and how long its gonna take. FRUSTRATED. could you please let me know whom I need to follow-up for this?
Reputatie 7
Badge +4
Hi vid1991,

Yes it is frustrated to have a appointment and no fix.
If im right the Technician told T-Mobile he was unable to fix the problem and the problem is turned over to T-Mobile backoffice. Depending on the type connection the ask the active operator to resolve this issue. there are 3 different types of connections. WBA DSL, WBA Fiber, ODF Fiber. the followup is slightly different depending on the connection.
Thanks Hidden.nld. My one is DSL. Btw, I have another appointment today. Hopefully today it will be fixed. Fingers crossed.
Reputatie 7
Hi vid1991, I just checked your connection and you now have an incoming signal! I can't get a read on your modem however, did you connect it already? If not then you can connect it now and you should be able to use your services! If you already have it connected then try reconnecting the cables and wait 1 or 2 minutes until all the lights come on. Let me know if you're still experiencing any problems!
Thank you very much. It is working now.
Reputatie 7
That's very good to hear, apologies for the delay!
