
4g for home problem

  • 14 April 2023
  • 4 reacties
  • 92 Bekeken

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  • 2 reacties

Hi, i recently started having some problems with mi 4g for home internet with the following details…..the internet had become very lagy in games wich before was working perfectly, it was constant ms now drops and raises like a tsunami leaving me unable to play games at all, i play very less demanding games ,the most demanding beeing league  of legends , i would like to find a solution foe that , i got the subscription exclusivly for gaming , may i remaind that it was working perfectly untill one week ago but now it even loses the whole conection to the internet every 3-4 times a day. I tried everything cable, reset and settings related , nothing changed the problem occures iven after all my atempts in finding and fixing the issue. I realy want it fixed ,and i realy need some answers cause this thing is realy ruining my free time after a long day at work. if someone could give me some advices it would be awesome !


Beste antwoord door eric 15 April 2023, 10:10

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4 reacties

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Badge +14

Hoi @Vladut , welkom bij de community. 

4g voor thuis is just a mobile connection.  Latency and speed can not be guaranteed as it is a shared radio signal. You share this with a variabele amount of users in the same radiocel. Also the surrounding conditions can change.

If you use an indoor receiver, you can try-out to put it in a different spot. Preferable,  you use an outdoor antenna. If available,  a wired/fixed connection gevestigd beter stability for an internet connection. 

4g voor thuis is just a mobile connection.  Latency and speed can not be guaranteed as it is a shared radio signal. You share this with a variabele amount of users in the same radiocel. Also the surrounding conditions can change.

If you use an indoor receiver, you can try-out to put it in a different spot. Preferable,  you use an outdoor antenna. If available,  a wired/fixed connection gevestigd beter stability for an internet connection. 

So, i did try to move the outdoor unit in every place posible , thr result are still as bad a s mentioned , and a wired fixed connection is not possible at my location. i ve been promised by thelekom by telekom that it will work just fine and so it did the first mont , one week after that is not usable in my purpouses any more. A quick and weird comparation would be the fact that i do own  a vodafone subscription for calls and stuff, with my mobile phone being able to only get 4g internet signal, i used to power 5 laptops on games with hotspot from my phone for 3 years straight but i decided to finaly get an other network connection other than my phone because i was alway running out of mbs and paying extra fees.when i purchased 4g for home i was hoping for better internet other than my mobile phone and to my surprise i was better but not huge the difference was 35 ms telekom 41 ms vodafone ON TELPHONE HOTSPOT WITH 5 LAPTOPS CONNECTED. So if it cant be like before with 35 ms constant no intreruptions i am afraid i will have to quit the supscription. once agin i mention that i tried everything absolutely everithing and i couldnt make it to run like before. EVERITHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reputatie 7
Badge +14

It could also be work on a site. Check the dekkingspagina.

So i just called to tehnical support and there was nothing about any work anywhere near me and the problem still persists!
