
Complaint: Customer Service

  • 23 January 2018
  • 1 reactie
  • 554 Bekeken

In January 2018 my boyfriend an myself decided to change internet providers to T-Mobile. Upon signing on a contract with T-mobile we have voiced our concern that the DSL cable in our building is broken. Your colleagues assured us that this is no problem, since it is a KPN issue, and that they will send a service person to fix it as soon as possible. Our internet connection was available as of the 15th of January and ever since I have been calling with T-mobile to help us with the DSL cable connection. Each and every time I was assured the issue will be fixed as soon as possible and that someone will contact me as soon as they can. Well, this is not the case I waited a week after my first call with T-mobile customer service and then I called them again. I repeated my question-- and this time I got a very unfriendly woman who sounded very irritated. I tried my best to be calm and kind. I asked her what the status was with our DSL issue. Initially she had problems even finding my customer number. She then continued to say that I was not a customer. I aruged that this was not the case and eventually after some clicking here and there she found us. I find that what she did here was very rude I did not feel like she wanted to help me whatsoever. When I asked here what the status was of our DSL cable problem, she proceeded to say there is no problem. So then again I had to explain myself again that the DSL cable is broken and that upon entering into contract with T-mobile a T-mobile employee promised that it is easily dealt with. They told me i just need to call and voice my problem to make a ticket and make an appointment with KPN to send a service person. After a good 45 minutes of talking with this very unpleasant woman, I got her to note to make a ticket for me. She said they will make an appointment with me within 5 working days. Five working days go by and I still did not recieve any call, so I called customer service again to check the status of my qustion with the DSL cable. This time a customer service employee just said that it was noted but not requested so he will now request it. He then connected me to the external company Gideon to make an appointment. I asked him again if this is the correct party to address my problem and he said yes. Today, on the 23 of January 2018, I had to take a day off work to be home for this man to come fix my internet, which is fine when you are sure that things are going to be fixed. It turns out that he does not have the key to the box where the DSL cable lies. I told the man agian what my problem was. That it is the DSL cable that is broken and he confirmed it by calling tmobile himself and asked them to check the connection. He then had to really ask the T mobile customer service employee to make a ticket to send a KPN service person. It did not go easy for him either. That being said. We are close to a month without internet and are going to be expected to pay a months fee. I must say this makes us feel cheated. We fully understand that things take time, but this is ridiculous. Now, I have trust issues with T-mobile because I am scared I will not hear from you again about the KPN person. For those who are thinking of joining T-mobile, beware that they are not the best at resolving problems.

Beste antwoord door Brian 29 January 2018, 15:17

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1 reactie

Reputatie 7
Hi ForestBear, that's quite a story! My apologies for the unpleasant conversation you had with my colleague, we should always offer excellent service no matter the problem. That being said, I'm sure my colleagues are doing everything they can to get you connected as soon as possible. I'll gladly check on the current status and see if I can speed things along. If you could send me your T-Mobile Thuis customer number, your date of birth and the last four digits of your bank account through a private message then I'll get on that right away!

Do not worry about the invoice, billing doesn't start until you're fully connected! If you're already "connected" in our system (as in, everything is connected but it's still not working) then billing might have already started but of course we will reimburse you for the period that you weren't able to use your connection. I'll be happy to hear from you!
