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What are the cost of canceling a contract.

  • 16 January 2023
  • 3 reacties
  • 298 Bekeken

Hi all,

Sorry that I have to open a thread because I couldn’t connect to chat. I also can’t read Dutch so I couldn't read the terms and conditions I accepted :) 

I have been waiting for fiber (glasvezel) for a while but they it got delayed once more(!!!) and as you all know, life is short and I don’t want to wait anymore and I am planning to switch to Ziggo. However, I still have contract with T-mobile home internet till end of June or July. I only have home internet package from T-mobile (no TV etc). I also use customer benefit for my T-mobile mobile number and I am aware that I am going to lose those benefits.

I would like to know what would be the cost if I wanted to cancel next month?  

3 reacties

Reputatie 7
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Well, they do not have subscriptions which you can cancel per month. you signed up for a year contract. T-mobile also makes all kind of costs to get you connected and their business case is to earn that investment back in that first year. After that year, the subscription become automatically a version which you can end with just one month cancellation notice.

Hi @eric thanks for your answer.

It looks like it’s different from what I am used to. 

Where I came from, you can pay the discount you have acquired so far and be free from the contract. For example, let’s say you subscribe to internet package worth of 50 Euros for 30 Euros for 12 months contract. For example, you can cancel your contract after three months by simply paying the discount you acquired so far (3 * 20) and be free from the contract. I guess that’s not the possibility with T-mobile which is sad.

Reputatie 7
Badge +14

Hi @zparkerdiaz5 , welcome to the communicty.


If you have now a T-mobile DSL connection, you can start a paralell order for Ziggo. 

Than, with one month of cancellation period, you can end the T-mobile line per June/juli depending on the exact startdate of the subscription. If you cancel early, they put the remaining months on the closing invoice.
